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	<title>TV Information &#8211; Vizio TV Help</title>
		<title>2 Easy Ways To Find the Model Number And The Serial Number of Your Vizio TV</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2015 23:13:42 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[You might need to find the model number or serial number of your Vizio TV if you plan on buying an extended warranty for it or if you need to contact Vizio&#8217;s technical support phone line. The model number indicates&#8230; ]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>You might need to find the model number or serial number of your Vizio TV if you plan on buying an extended warranty for it or if you need to contact <a title="Contacting Vizio" href="http://vizhdtv.com/contacting-vizio/">Vizio&#8217;s technical support phone line</a>.</p>
<p>The model number indicates the type of TV. It&#8217;s helpful for finding information and learning about the features of the TV you have.</p>
<p>The serial number refers to the specific unit you have in your home. This serial number can indicate a manufacturing date, the date it was sold to you, and whether or not the 12 month warranty is still active.</p>
<h2>How To Find The Model And Serial Number The Easy Way</h2>
<p>If you have a Vizio TV that was purchased after January of 2011 you can use the remote control to bring up information about the TV right on the TV screen.</p>
<h4>Older TVs</h4>
<li>Press Menu on your remote control.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;Help&#8221; on the TV screen and press the OK button.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;System Info&#8221; and press the OK button.</li>
<p>The System Info page will give you a lot of information about your TV. The first thing listed on this screen is TVSN. This is the serial number of your TV.</p>
<p>Listed right below the serial number of the TV will be the model number of the TV.</p>
<h4>Newer TVs</h4>
<li>Press Menu on the remote.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;System&#8221; then press the OK button.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;System Information&#8221; and press the OK button.</li>
<p>Your TV&#8217;s serial number and model number will be the first two items on the System Information page.</p>
<h2>The Not So Easy Way Of Finding the Serial Number And Model Number Of The TV.</h2>
<p>If you are not able to find the serial or model on the TV screen then you can find all this information and more on the back of the TV.</p>
<p>Some of you reading this may have your TVs wall mounted. If you&#8217;re not able to peek behind the TV then you might have to remove the TV from the mount to find what you are after.</p>
<p>Even if the TV is on it&#8217;s original stand the label on the back of the TV might be hard to get to if you have a large TV.</p>
<p>Vizio TVs have a white sticker on the back of the TV with a bar code. The serial number and model number of your TV will be printed on this sticker. You can use these to find out just about anything you need to know about your TV.</p>
<p>Have any questions or comments about the TV&#8217;s identification numbers? Please a message in the comments section below.</p>
		<title>Connecting Cable Service, Satellite Service, or Antenna Channels to A Vizio TV</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:30:50 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[If you&#8217;re setting up your TV for the first time you will want to make sure you can all available channels. Making sure all of your TV stations are available and have a clear picture is a quick process but&#8230; ]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>If you&#8217;re setting up your TV for the first time you will want to make sure you can all available channels. Making sure all of your TV stations are available and have a clear picture is a quick process but the methods will vary depending on if you are using cable, satellite, or antenna channels.</p>
<h2>Setting Up Cable or Satellite Service</h2>
<p>There are different steps for activating cable or satellite service depending on whether or not you have a cable box or satellite box connected to the TV.</p>
<h3>Using Cable TV Without A Cable Box</h3>
<p>If you are  are activating cable TV but do not have a cable box connected you just need to scan for channels to begin watching your favorite programs.<br />
<a name="channelscancable"></a></p>
<h4>How To Scan For Cable TV Channels</h4>
<li>Press the Input button on the remote control and select &#8220;TV&#8221;.</li>
<li>Press the Menu button on the remote.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;Tuner&#8221; and press OK.</li>
<li>Check the &#8220;Tuner Mode&#8221; settings. It should say &#8220;Cable&#8221;. If it says &#8220;Antenna&#8221; press the left arrow button on the remote to change it to &#8220;Cable&#8221;.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;Auto Channel Scan&#8221; and press the OK button on the remote.</li>
<p>The TV will scan for channels. Once the progress bar on the TV screen reaches 100% you will be able to access all of your TV channels.</p>
<h3>Using Your Vizio TV With A Cable Box Or Satellite Box</h3>
<p>If you are using a cable box attach the available cords from box to the TV. The type of cords you are using will determine what you need to to next to see a channel.</p>
<p>If you are connecting your cable or satellite box using an HDMI cord you will change the input to the source labeled on the back of the TV. All the HDMI connections have a number printed near them. So if you connected your cable box to the HDMI connection labeled #1 then just press the input button on your remote and select HDMI-1. You will be able to see a picture immediately.</p>
<p>If the box is connected using a composite or component cord then change the input to Comp. A cable or satellite signal will immediately appear on the TV screen.</p>
<p>If your box is connected using a coax cord then you will need to change the input to TV. Then scan for channels. <a href="#channelscancable">Follow the steps for channel scanning to finish activating the service.</a></p>
<h1>Using Antenna Channels</h1>
<p>All TV antennas connect with a coaxial connection. This is a type of cord that screws onto the back of your TV.</p>
<div id="attachment_163" style="width: 244px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="http://vizhdtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Coaxial-cord.png"><img decoding="async" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-163" class="wp-image-163 size-full" src="http://vizhdtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Coaxial-cord.png" alt="Coaxial cord" width="234" height="103" /></a><p id="caption-attachment-163" class="wp-caption-text">Coaxial Cord Connection</p></div>
<p>You just need to change the input of your TV then scan for channels.  Press the Input button on your Vizio remote. The TV will display the available inputs. You want to choose the option labeled &#8220;TV&#8221;.</p>
<p>Once you have the correct input chosen you just need to scan for channels.</p>
<h4>How To Scan For Antenna Channels</h4>
<li>Press the Menu button on your Vizio remote</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;Tuner&#8221; and press OK on the remote.</li>
<li>The menu will have &#8220;Tuner Mode&#8221; listed at the top. Make sure this is set to Antenna. If it says Cable then change it to Antenna.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;Auto Channel Scan&#8221; and press the OK button.</li>
<p>Once you choose to scan for channels the TV will look for the signal being broadcast to it from the antenna. It will have a percentage showing you the progress of the scan. Once it reaches 100% you can press the Exit button on your remote.</p>
<p>That&#8217;s it! Now you will be able to watch antenna TV channels.</p>
<p>If you have any questions or comments about using cable TV or antenna service please leave me a message in the comments section below.</p>
		<title>How To Fix Vizio TV Remote Problems In 5 Simple Steps</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2015 18:31:53 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[Having remote problems? When your remote stops working you are pretty much done using your television. Without the remote you will not be able to access many of the TV&#8217;s features including internet apps like Netflix. Luckily, I have a&#8230; ]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<h1>Having remote problems?</h1>
<p>When your remote stops working you are pretty much done using your television. Without the remote you will not be able to access many of the TV&#8217;s features including internet apps like <a title="Netflix Problems on Vizio TVs" href="http://vizhdtv.com/netflix-problems-on-vizio-tvs/">Netflix</a>.</p>
<p>Luckily, I have a few simple steps you can take to fix nearly any remote problem.</p>
<h2>How To Fix Your Vizio TV Remote Control</h2>
<li><a href="#remoteirsensor">Make sure nothing is blocking the signal from the remote to the TV</a></li>
<li><a href="#remotepowercycleremote">Power Cycle the remote</a></li>
<li><a href="#remotepowercycletv">Power cycle the TV</a></li>
<li><a href="#remotenewbatteries">Use new batteries in the remote</a></li>
<li><a href="#remotestillnotworking">Contact Vizio if the remote still isn&#8217;t working to get a replacement</a></li>
<p><a name="remoteirsensor"></a></p>
<h3>1. Make Sure Nothing Is Blocking The IR Sensor</h3>
<p>Most TV remotes send signals to the TV using infrared (IR) light. This is how a remote can send commands to the TV to control it. TVs have a sensor on them that receives the signal the remote sends but if something is blocking this sensor  then the TV cannot receive commands from the remote when you press the remote buttons.</p>
<p>The IR sensor on Vizio TVs is located on either the lower left corner or the lower right (usually the former) of the TV&#8217;s bezel. Make sure there is nothing that might be blocking the signal from the remote to the IR sensor. The most common things that could be blocking the sensor are the ledge of whatever object the TV sits on, picture frames, or stacks of DVDs.</p>
<p>Move anything that might be blocking the sensor then test the remote again. If you are able to control the volume or the power then you have discovered what was causing the problem and fixed the issue.<br />
<a name="remotepowercycleremote"></a></p>
<h3>2. Power Cycle The Remote</h3>
<p>Power cycling the remote resets it. This can also loosen a button on the remote you may not have realized was wedged down.</p>
<p>Take the batteries out of the remote. Press every single button on the remote while the batteries are out. Press each button at least once.</p>
<p>Doing this clears residual power from the remote and sometimes helps us get rid of odd problems. Test the remote again to see if it can control the TV now.<br />
<a name="remotepowercycletv"></a></p>
<h3>3. Power Cycle The TV</h3>
<p>Sometimes the problem isn&#8217;t the remote. Sometimes the problem is the TV. A quick way to fix this is to power cycle.</p>
<p>Just unplug the TV from the power outlet and hold down the power button on the side of the TV for 15 seconds. Doing this drains residual power and can clear up odd issues. Then plug the TV back in and power it on.</p>
<p>Test the remote again to see if it&#8217;s working.<br />
<a name="remotenewbatteries"></a></p>
<h3>4. Try Using New Batteries</h3>
<p>I saved this step for last because I don&#8217;t want readers to spend money on batteries when the issue could be fixed using other methods. If the remote isn&#8217;t working after completing all the steps listed above then it&#8217;s time to use new batteries in the remote.</p>
<p>Most Vizio remotes will take either two AA batters or two AAA batteries. Try a fresh pair of batteries to see if this fixes your remote problems.<br />
<a name="remotestillnotworking"></a></p>
<h3>5. &#8220;My Remote Still Isn&#8217;t Working!&#8221;</h3>
<p>Is the remote still not working? If you have done all the steps in this article and you still cannot use your remote then you probably need to replace it.</p>
<p>If your TV is still covered by Vizio&#8217;s 12 month warranty then you will want to call Vizio. They will verify your warranty using the serial number of the TV and send you a replacement remote free of charge.</p>
<p class="_eF"><strong>Contact Vizio technical support at 1 (888) 849-4623.</strong></p>
<p>If your warranty is expired though then you will need to buy a new remote. Vizio has remotes available in <a title="Vizio Online Store" href="http://www.vizio.com/accessories.html">their online store</a> for nearly all models of TVs.</p>
<p>Do you have any questions or comments about Vizio TV remotes. Please share in the comments below!</p>
		<title>Netflix Problems on Vizio TVs</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 09 Mar 2015 21:03:05 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Technical Support]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[TV Information]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[TV settings]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://vizhdtv.com/?p=124</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Netflix is easily the most popular app used on Vizio TVs. For most people it&#8217;s the only app they ever use. That&#8217;s why it&#8217;s more than a little frustrating when Netflix isn&#8217;t working. There are several ways to solve Netflix&#8230; ]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Netflix is easily the most popular app used on Vizio TVs. For most people it&#8217;s the only app they ever use. That&#8217;s why it&#8217;s more than a little frustrating when Netflix isn&#8217;t working.</p>
<p>There are several ways to solve Netflix problems and most are pretty simple. Let&#8217;s get started!</p>
<h1> &#8220;Netflix Isn&#8217;t Working On My Vizio TV!&#8221;</h1>
<p>Okay so you recognize there is a problem. That&#8217;s the first step to recovery!</p>
<p>Now we just have to determine what is causing the problemso we will know what to do to fix it.</p>
<p>The most common cause of Netflix problems is internet connection issues. You will want to check your TVs internet access settings.</p>
<h3>How To Check Internet Access on A Vizio TV</h3>
<li>Press the menu button on your Vizio TV remote.</li>
<li>Go to the section labeled &#8220;Network&#8221; and press the OK button on the remote.</li>
<li>Then go to the option labeled &#8220;Test Connection&#8221; and press the OK button.</li>
<p>The TV will now display information about its network connection. This page may take a minute or two to finish testing the connection so give it a little time. When the page is finished loading look for something labeled &#8220;Download&#8221;.</p>
<p>The &#8220;Download&#8221; section displays the speed of the internet connection. If your TV is connecting to the internet you will see a number to the right of the word Download. Ideally you want this number to be 1000 kbps (kilobytes per second) or higher.  If it is at least 1000 then you know the TV has a working internet connection and the connection speed is fast enough to use Netflix.</p>
<p>If you see a number that is less than 1000 kbps then the problem may be a slow internet connection. Head on over to my page on slow internet connections for Vizio TVs to determine how to fix this.</p>
<p>If you see something that says &#8220;Download Not Available&#8221; this means the TV is not able to connect to the internet. If that&#8217;s the case head on over to <a title="My Vizio TV Can’t Connect To The Internet" href="http://vizhdtv.com/my-vizio-tv-cant-connect-to-the-internet/">my page on fixing internet connection problems. </a></p>
<h1>Netflix Says There Is No Internet Connection Even Though The internet Connection is Working</h1>
<p>Sometimes the Netflix app will display an internet connection problem even though you have already determined the internet connection is working.  This is a simple error to fix. The easiest step would be to power cycle the TV.<br />
<a name="powercycle"></a></p>
<h3>How To Power Cycle Your Vizio TV</h3>
<li>Power off the TV.</li>
<li>Disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.</li>
<li>Press and hold the power button on your  TV for 15 seconds while the TV is unplugged. (The power button is hard to find on some newer Vizio TVs. Try checking the back of the TV).</li>
<li>Plug the TV back into the power outlet and turn it on.</li>
<p>Try testing out Netflix now. If Netflix gives you the option to sign into your account or lets you play a movie then everything should be working normally now.<br />
<a name="StaticDNS"></a></p>
<h3>Use Static DNS Server Settings To Fix Netflix Problems</h3>
<li>Press the &#8220;Menu&#8221; button on your Vizio remote.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;Network&#8221; and press OK.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;Manual Setup&#8221; then press the OK button.</li>
<li>At the top of this menu is &#8220;DHCP&#8221;. This is probably turned on. Press the left arrow button on the remote to turn this setting off.</li>
<li>Go down to the section labeled &#8220;Pref DNS Server&#8221;. Change these numbers to</li>
<li>Then arrow down to &#8220;Alt DNS Server&#8221;. Change this to</li>
<li>Select the &#8220;Save&#8221; option and press the OK button on the remote.</li>
<li>Press Exit on the remote.</li>
<p>Changing these settings adjusts how the TV uses your modem and router to connect to the internet. Test out the Netflix app to see if it&#8217;s working now.<br />
<a name="Reset"></a></p>
<h3>Reset Your Vizio TV to Factory Defaults</h3>
<p>If you&#8217;re still having problems using the app you might have to completely reset the TV. It&#8217;s a simple process though.</p>
<li>Press the Menu button on the remote.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;System&#8221; and press OK.</li>
<li>Go to &#8220;Reset and Admin&#8221; and press OK.</li>
<li>Select &#8220;Reset TV to Factory Defaults&#8221; and press the OK button on the remote.</li>
<p>This will reset your TV. The TV will then restart and bring up a setup guide to help you connect to the internet and choose your TV service. Follow this menu then try using Netflix.</p>
<h1> Error Codes From Netflix</h1>
<p>If you have have already determined your TV has a working internet connection but still isn&#8217;t working there could be some other issue happening causing the problem.</p>
<h3>NW-4-7 Error, NW-4-8, UI-113 Errors</h3>
<p>When you open Netflix you may see an error code indicating what the problem is. These error indicate a problem with the TV being able to use Netflix&#8217;s servers.</p>
<p>To fix this issue follow the steps already outlined in this article</p>
<li><a href="#powercycle">Power cycle the TV</a></li>
<li><a href="#StaticDNS">Try using a static DNS server</a></li>
<li><a href="#Reset">Reset the TV to factory defaults</a></li>
<p>If you have already tried these steps and your still not able to use the Netflix app then there may be an issue that only <a title="Contacting Vizio" href="http://vizhdtv.com/contacting-vizio/">Vizio technical support </a>can fix. Vizio offers free lifetime support for all their products so give them a call at 888-849-4623.</p>
<h1> Have Fun Watching Movies!</h1>
<p>You should be able to fix any and all Netflix problems using the steps in this article. If you have tried everything though and you are still not able to use the Netflix app then you should call <a title="Contacting Vizio" href="http://vizhdtv.com/contacting-vizio/">Vizio&#8217;s free technical support line</a> for assistance.</p>
<p>If you have any comments or questions about this article I would love to read them. Please post them in the comments section below!</p>
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